Israeli Forces Kills Young Palestinian in Occupied West Bank

Jenin (Cisjordania), 21/05/2024.- Vehículos militares israelíes destrozan el pavimento de una calle en el campamento de refugiados de Jenin durante una incursión israelí, ayer martes. Al menos siete palestinos, entre ellos un médico, un maestro de escuela y dos estudiantes, murieron y al menos otros nueve resultaron heridos en 21 de mayo, tras una operación del ejército israelí en la ciudad cisjordana de Jenin y su campamento.EFE/ Alaa Badarneh
May 30, 2024 Hour: 10:17 pm
Palestinian authorities confirmed the death of one Palestinian and eight others were injured by “Israeli” gunfire during a raid on the occupied West Bank city of Biren.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the victim was identified as Wajih Al-Ramahi.
The health portfolio also announced the arrival of four Palestinians at the Palestinian Medical Complex in Ramallah, after being wounded by Israeli occupation forces.
Likewise, he reported that one of the eight wounded is in critical condition after suffering a direct hit to the head, another was classified as moderate to serious after being shot in the abdomen, while two have minor wounds in his lower extremities.
Breaking | Israeli occupation forces shot and killed Palestinian youth Wajih al-Ramahi during the ongoing raid on the city of al-Bireh.
— Palestine and MENA Info Center (@PALMENA_IC)
May 30, 2024
At 237 days after the siege of Jewish forces in Gaza and the West Bank, the number of Palestinians killed exceeds 36,200 because of Israel’s continuous aggression.
The Israeli occupation forces have increased raids and arrests in cities and towns in the West Bank, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians, including children and women.
Israeli occupation forces shot and killed Palestinian youth Wajih al-Ramahi during the ongoing raid on the city of al-Bireh.
— Bilel (@iBil3l)
May 30, 2024
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: wafa-hoypalestina